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. 2018 May 15;596(10):1903-1917.

 doi: 10.1113/JP275459. Epub 2018 Apr 5.

Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle


Kazuki Hotta 1 2Bradley J Behnke 3Bahram Arjmandi 4Payal Ghosh 4Bei Chen 5Rachael Brooks 1Joshua J Maraj 5Marcus L Elam 4Patrick Maher 5Daniel Kurien 5Alexandra Churchill 1Jaime L Sepulveda 1Max B Kabolowsky 1Demetra D Christou 6Judy M Muller-Delp 1


Abstract: Mechanical stretch stimuli alter the morphology and function of cultured endothelial cells; however, little is known about the effects of daily muscle stretching on adaptations of endothelial function and muscle blood flow. The present study aimed to determine the effects of daily muscle stretching on endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and muscle blood flow in aged rats. The lower hindlimb muscles of aged Fischer rats were passively stretched by placing an ankle dorsiflexion splint for 30 min day-1 , 5 days week-1 , for 4 weeks. Blood flow to the stretched limb and the non-stretched contralateral limb was determined at rest and during treadmill exercise. Endothelium-dependent/independent vasodilatation was evaluated in soleus muscle arterioles. Levels of hypoxia-induced factor-1α, vascular endothelial growth factor A and neuronal nitric oxide synthase were determined in soleus muscle fibres. Levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and superoxide dismutase were determined in soleus muscle arterioles, and microvascular volume and capillarity were evaluated by microcomputed tomography and lectin staining, respectively. During exercise, blood flow to plantar flexor muscles was significantly higher in the stretched limb. Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation was enhanced in arterioles from the soleus muscle from the stretched limb. Microvascular volume, number of capillaries per muscle fibre, and levels of hypoxia-induced factor-1α, vascular endothelial growth factor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase were significantly higher in the stretched limb. These results indicate that daily passive stretching of muscle enhances endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and induces angiogenesis. These microvascular adaptations may contribute to increased muscle blood flow during exercise in muscles that have undergone daily passive stretch.




Key points: In aged rats, daily muscle stretching increases blood flow to skeletal muscle during exercise. Daily muscle stretching enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation of skeletal muscle resistance arterioles of aged rats. Angiogenic markers and capillarity increased in response to daily stretching in muscles of aged rats. Muscle stretching performed with a splint could provide a feasible means of improving muscle blood flow and function in elderly patients who cannot perform regular aerobic exercise.

キーポイント 老齢ラットにおいて、毎日の筋ストレッチは、運動時の骨格筋への血流を増加させる。加齢ラットの骨格筋抵抗性動脈の内皮依存性血管拡張は、日常的な筋ストレッチによって促進された。老齢ラットの筋肉において、毎日のストレッチに反応して血管新生マーカーと毛細血管が増加した。スプリントを用いた筋ストレッチは,通常の有酸素運動ができない高齢者において,筋の血流や機能を改善するための実行可能な手段となりうる。






